Report about all Donations

At regularly intervalls you can check here the latest news about the different NGO's and projects we support.


Surin Project

Project we actually support.

By buying short stories and prints in our shop you help, because part of the proceeds will fluent in Save Elephant Foundation for giving Asian elephants the opportunity of a well treated life. found Eco-Libraries in whole Indonesia for making free education happen. Content of the education of every library are creating awareness for environment and show a respectful behaviour to plants, animals and environment.

More projects...

Coming soon!

All contents of the short stories are protected by copyright. The buyer only acquires a license for personal use on his own terminal equipment.

Copyright infringements harm the authors and their works, therefore the further distribution, duplication or public reproduction is expressly prohibited and may have civil and/or criminal consequences.


As noticed in the shop, minimum 30 percent of all purchases fluent into a Green Project. Please check in Current Donationproject, which project we currently support.